Week #4 Chapter 15 and 16 Comments
I have been so impressed with our textbook! Each chapter has been filled with helpful information and examples. It really makes the idea of intergrading technology into the classroom seem much less daunting. The examples are very helpful to me since I have been away from teaching for so long. They help me to see how a lesson might proceed.
Chapter 15 lists several types of technologies that can be used by teachers and students. I love the idea of computer-generated tests, tests that can be taken on the computer (all the data and feedback becoming available instantly), programs that generate rubrics, puzzles, and worksheets, and some of the publishing programs. I am so grateful to learn about these things so that some day, if I ever get my own classroom, I can either make use of this wonderful technology or I can try to raise money to buy some of these innovative programs.
I love the idea of creating books and an anthology! I used to make much less polished versions of these things with a spiral bookbinding machine. I would take the students work and laminated and then bind the pages together. The more techno-savvy way of creating books sounds so much better. I hope to use these methods as soon as I get an opportunity.
The applications to help develop ELP and documentation for students that require these plans sounds very helpful as the paper work used to be very burdensome and I can only imagine it is even worse now. It seems to me that all these technologies can really help teachers to individualize lessons to a much greater extent. This would be so helpful when a class is extremely heterogeneous in skill levels and mastery.
Clip art and other programs would really cut down on frustration for those of us (or our students) who are more artistically challenged. Being able to produce charts and graphs without laboriously slaving over graph paper and using rulers sounds heavenly! (I was “Queen” of the crooked lines when I taught—I could never draw a straight line even with a ruler!)
Chapter 16 was very interesting as well. It begins by talking about multimedia (using a combination of media types) and hypermedia (using linked or interactive media). According to our text, these types of media can increase student motivation and engagement as well as provide more individualized instruction. They also generally encourage development of creative and critical thinking skills.
It seems like these types of technologies would lessen the drudgery of research and writing and improve understanding of both of these important processes. It also can offer immediate feedback and more interactive learning which is always helpful.
Video lectures and Power Point presentations would really help to break up the monotony of plain, boring lectures. Also, since the present student population tends to be “digital natives,” they would enjoy having more technology used during instruction.
The applications for these wonderful innovations seem to be almost infinite (only limited by lack of imagination or intimidation from not being familiar with the new technology). I am so inspired by the knowledge I am gaining during this class! I know I will be able to use many of these ideas if I ever am able to find a teaching position (wish me luck).
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