Saturday, May 21, 2011

Week #3 blog: Part 1 of 2 by Amy C. Gallagher

Week # 3 Blog by Amy C. Gallagher

    I really enjoyed the two movies at the eutopia site that we were assigned to watch for week #3.  The movie about the 15- year-old girl named Sam was really interesting.  She is certainly a very talented young person.  Sam seems to be a very creative, excellent student.  She describes the digital world as her second life.  This movie made some very good points including stating that games and simulations are a billion dollar industry.  They have the potential to allow students to conduct virtual experiments that would be too expensive or too dangerous to perform in the real world.  The military uses simulations to train medical personnel.  This type of technology helps to engage students.  Sam even uses a computer program to help her learn and practice music for the piano.  This new digital world really is filled with potential!
     The second movie I watched was entitled, “Schools Use of Games for Learning and Assessment.”  There is great potential for using educational games and simulations to help students become interested in learning and excited about the lessons.  This movie mentioned that boys who have been labeled as troubled or with ADHD can experience much more success when using highly engaging computer games, programs, and simulations.  The movie also stated that animation and media reveals the hidden world.  Please see an example of a educational simulation below:

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